Friday 20 December 2019

When i set foot on to the moon !

For the summer learning journey activity we had to write a poem about stepping on the moon and all your emotions and if you were Neil Armstrong so this is my poem enjoy.

I start to walk and to talk,
 then it feels like i am on a trampoline but really is this really me ?
It looks like i am on a block of cheese.
I feel like i have finally made it...
But again is this really me ?
A shiver goes down my back like a snake
yes it is really me !

Have you written a poem before ?
if so what about ?

Up in the air....

For this activity for the summer learning journey we had to compare the two pilots Jean Batten and
Amelia Earhart.
So i made a D L O and compare them i hope you like it.
Click on the photo to make it bigger.
Are you interested about pilots ?
why/why not ?

Thursday 19 December 2019

About the SPCA

For the summer learning journey my third task was to pick a charity of my choice and i have to explain and write about it so i chose the SPCA.
The SPCA helps animals that are sick,injured,abused or simply abandoned.
There have been 40k animals helped by SPCA centres.
There have been 2.5k schools given given access to our free SPCA education resources.
They have a website were you can donate,adopt or volunteer.
SPCA is a great charity because they save animals and make them have a better home and owner.
The website is were you can learn more about what they do.
What charity do you most know about ? explain some things about it.
Please check out my blog for more blog post like this.

My cultural background.

For the next activity on the summer learning journey we had to talk about our cultural background so i created a DLO all about my cultural background i hope you like it.
Do you have any English,Irish,Welsh or Nz in you and who from ?
Thanks for checking out my blog please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Setting sail SLJ week 1.

For week one of the summer learning journey my first activity it is about pacific nations sailing and about that they are there for weeks,I had to make a list about ten foods that i would pack if i were them so this is my ten foods i would bring.Keep in mind that there are no fridges or microwaves to use if i were sailing.
1. Muesli bars  because you do not need any plug things they are easy and healthy to eat and use which is good if you were away at sea.
2. Chips because they are yum and good to eat.
3. Dried mango because it is healthy and will give you a boost of nutrient intake.
4. Nut mix it is so good and awesome to eat on the go.
5. Biscuits cause they last a long time.
6. Crackers they keep you nice and full and will not be hungry later.
7. Canned fruit it  can last for ages and it is so good.
8. Chocolate it will give you a boost of energy.
9. Cruskits easy snack that you can have i would choose it because it is so yummy.
10. Uncooked Noodles i like that as a snack and it would just be good.
 I hope you enjoyed the list of things that i would like and why.
What would you choose and why ?
Make sure to check out the rest of my  blog for more blog post like this thank you for reading.

Thursday 12 December 2019

Stem on a Thursday.

W.A.L.T to problem solve as a team.
What : to Make a chair out of paper and tape that is 10cm tall.
The thing that went well was at the end our group worked as a team to try to make our paper chair work with the help of Miss Holland.
The thing that was challenging was trying to figure out how the chair was gonna work and what would be the best thing.
Ours sadly did not work but we were really proud at the chair we made.

Do you do stem?
Please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this !

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Donald trump and the Mexico wall.

For summer learning we had to talk about if you agree with Donald Trumps actions about the wall between Mexico and America this next bit will about what i think about it 

I do not like how Donald trump made the wall between Mexico and America that is just wrong.

Donald Trump is just thinking about himself,but people in mexico need better jobs to build a better life for their family and them.

People also need to visit family etc so they are stuck in Mexico.

I hope that one day he takes it down and Mexico has the freedom again.

I hope you enjoyed me talking about if i think it is wrong or right.

He has already built the wall

Do you agree and why ?

Do you like Donald Trump ?

Thursday 5 December 2019

Jane Goodall

For the summer learning journey i picked to write about Jane Goodall so i decided to make a DLO about her and what she does best i hope you enjoy.
Do you know Jane Goodall ?

Wednesday 4 December 2019


For the summer learning journey tester week we had to chose a activity to do I choose to do a DLO about Lorde the singer.

Friday 29 November 2019

Stem Friday

W.A.L.T : To problem solve as a team.
Today we had stem,our challenge was to build a bridge that is off the ground that is made out of ice block sticks and rubber bands.Before we did anything we worked out how we are going to form our project after that we starting to create the bridge at first it was all a bit challenging but then we all kinda go the hang of it all.The thing that we did good was we all were working and creating stuff for our bridge,Next time i think we all could have a more positive mind set at the start.When we tested our project sadly it did not hold two books but at least we tried our hardest.

Have you ever done stem before ?
Have you ever created a bridge before ?
Please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this :)

Thursday 28 November 2019

Passion project fun

For the past 2 weeks room 2 have been working on passion projects,passion projects are what you love and that makes you happy.
Once you have picked what  makes you happy you have to research about the thing that makes you happy.For me I picked dance because that makes me jolly happy.
Here is my passion project :
Thank you for reading this.
What makes you happy ?
Have you done anything like this before ?
please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this.

Monday 25 November 2019

Saving our amazing sand dunes

Carousel imageToday room 2 went to the beach and learnt about the amazing sand dunes.
We learnt how to really look after our sand dunes and why they are important, I did not know a lot about sand dunes but now I know a lot.

Sand dunes are to help if there are any tsunamis or stormy waves. The plants that cover most of the sand dunes help them to hold the sand in place.

This is how the sand dunes are made :
First it rains and the rain water goes into the river after that the rocks in the water starts breaking down into little specks of sand. After that the sand goes into the ocean and then onto the beach which when the wind blows on the sand some of sand dunes build up.

Also the little green nets you see at the beach help collect sand so the sand dose not go away.

A story that the teacher told us that there was a couple and they rang up the city council to move and little bit of the sand dunes and so the city council moved some of the sand dunes and while that was happening the sand kept going onto there house an done day there was some much sand that there roof on there house fell but luckily they were not hurt.

That is why we need to look after our sand dunes and not have a lot of people jumping on them etc and respecting the plants that help collect the sand to stay in the place.

We had to do lots of team working activities about the sand dunes in groups of 5.
Do you know about sand dunes ?

What information could you add to this blog post?

Please check out the rest of my blog for more blog post like this !

Friday 22 November 2019

Fantastic Friday S.T.E.M.

W.A.L.T.  work together to problem solve.
At the end we managed to get the marble through our project that we made,at the end it was a really cool out come and to see other groups work really hard.
Something that was challenging was having a good mind set that is something we need to work on and that was challenging.
Our next step is to work as one and try a little more harder.
Have you done stem before ?
make sure to check out my blog.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Reflection of capture the flag

Capture the flag.
Today we did capture the flag for winter sports,
First we played South New Brighton it was a good game and we got 3 nil  it that hard but it got a little bit harder!
but it was a great game.
after that we had some lunch and some water soon after that we versed queens park called the rattle snakes they got really hard and it was a challenge
it was a great game and i enjoyed it 

Carousel image

You,who,do,through prayer

W.A.L.T. write a prayer using the You,who,do,through structure.
in class we have been learning to write a prayer using a simple structure.
This morning room 2 learnt about you,who,do,through prayer it is a easier way to do a prayer and this is me explaining to you on how to do a you,who,do,you,through prayer.
First of all i will show you two of my prayers :

Loving God you bless us with gifts of creation, help us to bring peace and joy to others we ask this through Christ our lord amen .

Then this is my next prayer :
Faithful God you fill us with love and kindness,inspire us to care for all creation as you do we make this prayer in Jesus name amen.

So you just have to write you etc faithful God loving God next step is who so you could write you fill us with love and kindness next is  do you could write help us to bring peace and joy to others finally is through through Christ our lord amen.

I like using this structure because it is such a easy fun way to write a prayer.
what do you think of this easier way ?
how do you write a prayer ?
please make sure to check out my blog 

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Amazing Math Tutorial

For the past week or so we have been working on a problem solving strategy for a easy quick way to figure out your times tables.

We had to make a D.L.O showing how to work out the strategy to teach others. So here is my D.L.O of me showing you how to work out this problem fast and quick.

Do you do it a different way ?

How do you work out these problems ?

Please comment on my blog and give me some feed back that I could add to my blog post in the future.
make sure to check out my blog to see what I get up to during class time.
Please enjoy.

Friday 1 November 2019

Awesome Saint

This week room 2 had to pick a Saint each and gather information about them and then make a DLO about them.
I wanted to create a DLO  about Mother Teresa ! 
I hope you enjoy my DLO!
make sure to comment and check out my blog.

Friday 20 September 2019

How to make a award winning peanut butter sandwich

This week room 2 have been working on doing instructional writing,
we had to do instructions on how to make a sandwich either peanut butter,marmite or butter 
We had really fun doing and we had to make sure that the instructions are nice and clear.
After that Miss Holland would have to make them how the instructions say she made mine and mine worked these are my instructions on how to make a award winning sandwich :
How to make a sandwich 
Before you start you will need these following things :
Peanut Butter
Butter knife 
Also you will need to wash your hands before you start making your sandwich.

Step 1 
You want to carefully take two pieces of bread out of the packet and lay the two faces of bread laying next to each other 

Step 2 
Next you want to grab your butter knife and put the pointy bit into  the butter and the non pointy bit facing up 

Step 3 
As your pointy bit of your butter knife is facing down  next scoop a medium amount of butter 
Then take you knife out and 

Step 4 
Smear the butter onto a piece of  the face of the bread 

Step 5 
Open the peanut butter butter lid then put your knife pointy bit in the peanut butter then scoop and a medium amount of peanut butter out of the jar 

Step 6 
Smear peanut butter onto the face of a piece of bread

 Step 7
Put the two faces of bread that has the spreads  together 

Step 8

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Interland fun

Interland fun,
Today room 2 and 3 joined together to play Interland where you can choose 4 different islands and they each have different meanings  to keep safe online,the game that i played was this green castle [kind kingdom] game and if characters were getting bullied you had to help them and save them from the mean internet people.You had to collect hearts which when you had to collect them you had to find a character who was sad and help them by clicking the space bar and it would give them an emoji with a heart or a thumbs up etc.
The one thing that was challenging was trying to get up to levels to help the sad characters.
The purpose of the game that I was playing was to save other people who were getting bullied.
I really enjoyed playing the game and helping people on the game to save them,
comment in the comments what you think of the game !

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Fantastic emotions

W.A.L.T : To have manners in what we say 
This week room 2 had to make a DLO about manners and what is expected and to use what manner in a situation.Manners are for being respectful,we should be using manners in everyday life even just for the most simple thing even if someone opened a door and you saying ''thank you '' 
I think the one manner that i need to work on is being patient and waiting
I hope you enjoy my DLO :

Tuesday 10 September 2019

The story of Abraham and Sarah

Room 2 had to look at the story of Abraham and Sarah following Gods call,
Abraham and Sarah were both 75 years old they both really wanted kids but they were too old
God said to Abraham and Sarah ''leave to were i say and you will have kids ''
it was hard for Abraham and Sarah to leave all that they had in their town behind.
But they new that they wanted kids so they followed Gods call and set off.
After a while Abraham and Sarah were going to give up they thought that they were never going to get kids but then the angels came and said ''Abraham and Sarah you are going to have a baby boy''
so then they waited and waited until Abraham and Sarah were going to give up , but then God said to Abraham and Sarah ''look at the stars that is how much kids you are going to have ''
soon after they had kids.

This is my DLO
Thank you for taking your time and ready this
make sure to look at my blog and see what i get up too

My amazing narrative writing.

A narrative is a story that includes the five w's
room 2 have been working on narrative writing for the past 2 weeks we each got to
make our own story we all had really fun with making them ,
i hope you enjoyed my story make sure to check out the rest of my blog.

I was wriggling around in my bed because I could not sleep. I opened my eyes and whispered ‘’hello’ to my best friend Laura She gasped and awoke in shock
‘’what is wrong I said,
‘’don't worry, it's just a dream‘’said Laura   and dozed back to sleep.
The orphanage had something wrong with it and I also had this weird feeling so I took matters into my own hands. I walked downstairs with my long nighty and tip toed the headmistress was sitting at her long desk even when you are 50 meters away you can see her long warts poking out of her crusty Skin and her grey hairs sticking up with her pointy nose. ‘’Headmistress’’  I speak with a squeaky voice
  ‘’yes’’ she says with her manly voice in horror
‘’ugh ugh ugh I I I cannot sleep’‘ I said
She said ‘’ come sit ‘’ I quickly come ‘’well listen someone came in not that long ago and they were talking about who they wanted to adopt a nice couple and well they kinda want to adopt you but have a think about it ‘’
‘’well ok  I answered ‘’.

That night I could not sleep I was rolling around in bed I just could not think straight when I was only the age of 3 years old my birth mother left me at the doorstep with a locket   gently left on my tummy with a fresh blanket with the smell of rose petals  inside the locket there was a picture of my birth mothers hand   and my hand
On the locket it said ‘’Mummy and me ‘’ I hold it closely to me every night and wonder what it would be like having a mum and a dad maybe it would be a second chance to have a family to start again.
Earlier that morning, I walked down to the Headmistress office and took a  seat I waited patiently until she was ready to see me she came out  after about 15 minutes of waiting she took a seat on her leather black chair.
‘’So have you made your decision child’’ slapping her ruler against her hand it seemed to be like a threat, some days the Headmistress would be average nice  but then some days cruel and ferriel today i did not know what I was getting myself into today.
‘’I have made a decision to miss ‘’ I said with a nervously with a straight face
‘’’well what is it ‘’said Missmistress
 within a split second I answered, ‘’I want to get adopted ‘’
she looked at me and said ``ok then pack your stuff up child cause your going home ‘’  I  raced up stairs with nervousness  and packed my bags .
I straightened my hair and I walked down stairs tip tap tip tap my foot went while patiently waiting.

The door opened a nice couple came in and said hello the girls smile was a gentle smile she kneeled down to my level and said ‘’hello dear ‘’
Hhhh just a dream just a dream a tear rolled down my face really I was so excited to get adopted in my dream I walked back down stairs and then the door opened How did  the same girl from my dream here she was walking  just like my dream I could not believe my
eyes so I rubbed them and double pinched myself the headmistress came behind me and smiled.
I finally got adopted now that is my kind of dream
to be continued….

this is my narrative picture :

Thursday 1 August 2019

places to pray !

in room 2 we have started to learn about worshipping and where we can pray.Room 2 had to create a DLO and show places where we can pray and who we can pray with,The bible verse that is on my DLO means when you decide to pray God will always be with you while your praying and he will be in your presence.
check out my DLO !

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Friday 14 June 2019

reflection on winter sports

Today we had winter sports I am in capture the flag.1st game we versed Rawhiti it was a little challenging we got 0 to 0 the game.after that we ate a little bit of food and drank some water before we had to go to our next game versing queens park that we knew would be a little challenging but who dose not love a little bit of a challenge.What i found hard what trying to tag the people who we versed because in both teams there were some fast runners! both games went quite well we did good at defending.I am looking forward to versing more people,i need to work on being on task so if anyone tries to get the ball i can tag then easily.Thank you for reading this ;]

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Public or Private information

W.A.L.T. Understand public and private information and identify them 

This morning we had to identify public and private information on a google drawing about  made up information  we had to highlight it and pick what we think is public information and what we think is private information green was for public and red was for private and orange for not sure after that we had to our own one about a make up person with a room 3 buddy.Mine was charlotte,We did information that was a mixture and that was good to put on the internet and that was also not good.
This is mine ;] 

can you identify public or private information 

Friday 17 May 2019

public vs private

On  Wednesday with mark we did a task about what information we can put online and what we cant.We had to do a google drawing about it and explain what information we can put online and what information we have to keep private.We had to explain in a nice way why it is important here is mine.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Persuasive writing (Chromebook)

Today with miss  Holland we talked about adverts and how they make you want to buy their product so she said we had to make our own poster about why she should buy a Chromebook so we did and we made it like we were selling it.
It was so much fun doing our own posters of why she should buy  Chromebook 
i really liked it ! 
this is mine 

Thursday 9 May 2019

The Holy Spirit

Today the class went in pairs and I went with Jennah, we were looking through the bible and we had to look at different scriptures  and we had to explain in the scriptures if the Holy spirit is  the  comforter, advocate or the spirit they could all be different answers.

A comforter is someone who is kind and caring to others when they are sad and they are showing their love.

A advocate is someone someone who supports someone.

The spirit is something that replaces the advocate and the comforter and does the job a bit better.


Wednesday 8 May 2019

cyber smart

Today we did cyber smart with mark.
we had to do this challenge where we had to find 6 bits of information about him we had to do.....
what does he looks like,who are his friends and family,where does he work, what is his work phone number,what is his home number,where does he live?,how old is he ? only we could find his first 3 bits of information because he never puts out his really personal information onto the internet. And  if you do want to put up some public information you can NOT put up any personal information such as like where you live your date of birth and your full name but you could put up your favourite food only your first name and maybe where you work.Make sure that you know what Private and Public information is. 
That is what we learnt at cyber smart with mark 

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Playing with powertoon

What i learnt about powertoon
it was basically like a little slide show / movie we could choose characters and fonts for my writing we could choose different  backgrounds and we could add different pictures and little videos.We could choose from a selection of what type of movie/slide show we wold want to make like we could choose to do like cartoon  based ect we could make like little text coming out of the characters  mouth using different types of speech bubbles,and we could make the text bigger and smaller and swap stuff around delete stuff and you can do voice overs make music go,
we can add in shapes , props , and add special themes
you can choose your speed on hour fast your video goes.

this is my powertoon hope you enjoy :]

Thursday 28 March 2019

Welcome to my Blog

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.