Friday 26 June 2020

Friday Math Fun

                                            Today me and Charlotte had to post our working out
                                            into our blogs.
                                           These were very hard to solve we tried our hardest.

My Narrative

Today we had to post our narrative to our blogs this is mine so far.
Have you done a narrative before ?
**This is not finished yet**
The hospital save story : By Tallulah Barham
Chapters :
The hospital
John B
Outer Banks
The lost treasure

The hospital chapter
All i remember is collapsing and getting rushed into a ambulance,after that i blacked out later i had a dream it felt like it was forever.But after the happy dream i awoke from my heavy sleep and panicked and turned there was a piece of paper and a note the note said  ¨you are going to be safe i'll be back before you know ¨ in my dad's handwriting.The piece of paper said ¨Sarah B coma so far fifteen  years ¨ so does that mean that i have been missing out fifteen years of my live in a hospital hoping one day i will be awoke from the deep sleep.I stood up with a bit of a wobble and tried to open the door of the hospital it was not budging at all  so i gave a little more of a budge and the door finally opened.One thing though was that the hospital was empty no one to be heard the hospital  i heard whispers you must think i am crazy but i just do not know what is happening.Just image a hospital empty peoples medical records all on the floor,pills all through the work way it was a bomb sight i could not believe my eyes ! i was not feeling so good so i took some pills to make me better and so i could get better concentration on what is going on after a little bit i  checked out of the windows and no one was there it was empty no body could be called or found surely someone out there is still here.I have no food so i walked down in the empty gloomy hallway of darkness and turned on the light to were the cafeteria is thankfully the power is working something felt odd about this place it did not feel right right after that i heard a cry for help down the hallway suddenly my heart dropped to my feet in disbelief that someone was still out there i rushed and ran down to number forty nine and used all my mighty power to get it opened and there they were laying on her bed wondering where they were

John b chapter
.He said ¨hi i am john b i was in a horrific boat accident and i do not know what is going on why is there no nurses here ¨  i took a deep breath and said i am sarah b what a weird thing we both names end with b anyway i still do not know why we are locked in this building but all i know is that we are going to get through this together john b agreed.John b was in  a little bit of pain so i went and got him some medication after that we both went together to go get something to eat the cafeteria was still full of food i made 2 minute noodles chicken flavour if we are getting into detail here and some water from the tap.We sat in my room and talked about our stories and we were trying to figure out why we were here and just trying to get over the shock of all of this mess.We started planning what to do,why we were here and how we are going to get out of this place.
We were all set and ready to plan  but there was no wifi/signal so we did not know what we were at our last plan to try to escape but we did not know how to we tried everything we could to escape but not one budget was made that whole time.

JJ chapter
We heard a yell ¨Änyone here im here to help if anybody is here ?! ¨” we rushed down to floor 19 there he was a human standing there i could not believe it we thought we might be the world's last hope to have someone rescue us he said he had a helicopter we raced outside and hopped in the helicopter me and John B were just in complete shock of what is happening i was asking JJ what is happening  he said ¨there are no questions to be asked we have to tell you everything when we land the helicopter ¨
Soon after we landed in a place called Outer Banks it is a small town where everybody knows each other and thinks of a really beachy movie and that is what it is.

Outer Banks
Dad was waiting. I had no clue what was going on. I was so confused I hopped off the helicopter and ran into my dad's arms and broke down. I realized that John B had no one waiting so dad offered John B a job to clean our  boats that we have.
JJ said that he doesn't know why we were there,after that i just went home because i was so tired of what had been happening the past few years i slept and woke up the next morning,
And that is how the Outer banks started.
After all that stuff that happened we all started being friends and hanging out.

The lost treasure a.k.a the gold
One day John B found something of his fathers it was a Their search of he truth led them on a treasure hunt for $400 million in gold. Their treasure hunt started after John B. and his friends found his father's compass that contained a clue about where the treasure was.We all knew we had to find the treasure that had been missing it was John B ‘s last hope of find the treasure because that was all he had of his dad left

Thursday 25 June 2020

My Charity

For reading today we had to create a DLO about our own charity that we had to create.
Here is my DLO.
what is your favourite charity ?

The hospital save.

For writing I have been working hard on writing my story and I have nearly finished my writing.
Here is the snippet of writing I have done so far,
Outer Banks 
Dad was waiting. I had no clue what was going on. I was so confused I hopped off the helicopter and ran into my dad's arms and broke down. I realized that John B had no one waiting so dad offered John B a job to clean our  boats that we have.
JJ said that he doesn't know why we were there,after that i just went home because i was so tired of what had been happening the past few years i slept and woke up the next morning,
And that is how the Outer banks started.
After all that stuff that happened we all started being friends and hanging out.

The lost treasure a.k.a the gold 

Meet pope he is our other friend he is really smart and on his way to get a scholarship to university that is is dream 

I am 1 paragraph away from finishing from doing my story.
Thank you all for reading.
Have you done a narrative before ?
Have you made a story before ?
Thank you all for reading,
Please make sure to check out the rest of my blog for more post like this :]

The different seasons

For Today for R.E we had to create a DLO showing what we like to do during the different seasons.
Have you ever made a DLO ?
What do you like to do during Summer ?
Here is my DLO :
Thanks for Reading !

Wednesday 24 June 2020

The rotary founation

The Rotary foundation
Today we had to create a DLO about a charity so I decided to do the Rotary foundation,
I made the DLO with a few facts and at the bottom of this post I will link the sight to this.
I hope you like it.
What is your favourite charity ?
Have you ever donated to a charity ?
Here us is the link :]

Helping the poor

For reading this week I had to create a DLO showing how I could help the homeless.
What are some ways that you can help the homeless ?
Have you ever made a DLO ?

Tuesday 23 June 2020

RE Tuesday !

W.A.L.T : recognise that people can experience 
God's Creation 

For R.E today we had to create something in nature that we appreciate in nature,
I decided to do a beach because that is something I appreciate.
One of the questions that we had to answer on our blogs were why do you appreciate the world that God has created ?.
My answer to that is because it is so wonderful and filled with amazing things and lots of life lessons,that is why I  love it !!!
Why do you love this world ?
Here is my DLO that I created :
Click on the image to make it bigger :]
please check out more of my blog for more post like this.

Friday 19 June 2020

Math Friday

W.A.L.T : A stranded written method.
Hello everyone today i am going to be showing you the new strategy that i got taught this week it is a method for your mathematics.
Here is my digital learning object.
I really enjoyed making this
This is how to do it :
Thanks for taking your time to read.
Have you tried this way of math ?

Tuesday 16 June 2020

More of my writing

This is my Writing here is a bigger snippet of my writing that i am working on
I hope you like it !
what is something you would add to my story ?
Do you like writing ?
He said ¨hi i am john b i was in a horrific boat accident and i do not know what is going on why is there no nurses here ¨  i took a deep breath and said i am sarah b what a weird thing we both names end with b anyway i still do not know why we are locked in this building but all i know is that we are going to get through this together john b agreed.John b was in  a little bit of pain so i went and got him some medication after that we both went together to go get something to eat the cafeteria was still full of food i made 2 minute noodles chicken flavour if we are getting into detail here and some water from the tap.We sat in my room and talked about our stories and we were trying to figure out why we were here and just trying to get over the shock of all of this mess.We started planning what to do,why we were here and how we are going to get out of this place.
We were all set and ready to plan  but there was no wifi/signal so we did not know what to we were at our last plan to try to escape but we did not know how to we tried everything we could to escape but not one budge was made that whole time.
 please check out the rest of my blog and make sure to look out for more post that i will be doing.

Friday 12 June 2020

Blog Friday

We are learning a a new way to figure out answers.
Here is a new way of a strategy
What do you think ?
do you like maths ?

Wednesday 10 June 2020

My writing

For writing we had to write  a story about anything we wanted we were going to make them into narratives i have recently started mine it is about a girl in  a hospital here is what i have started for my story : The hospital chapter 
All i remember is collapsing and getting rushed into a ambulance,after that i blacked out later i had a dream it felt like it was forever.But after the happy dream i awoke from my heavy sleep and panicked and turned there was a piece of paper and a note the note said  ¨you are going to be safe i'll be back before you know ¨ in my dad's handwriting.

that is my narrative,I hoped you liked the start of it
Thanks for reading.
what would you add to the story ?
how would you feel if that was you ?

Tuesday 9 June 2020

The bill of right

For reading i had to create a DLO showing five rights that students should have here is mine :
what is Five student rights that you would do ?
Do you agree with mine ?
The bill of right 
The five student rights created by Tallulah.
The first student right is being able to have our own electronics in class 
The second students right is being able to use a ¨ student room ¨ kinda like a staff room 
The third student right is no uniform 
The fourth students right is have no homework 
The fifth ¨luck last ¨ students right is being able to go outside of school bounds at lunch/morning tea.


W.A.L.T : Describe what the virtue of Reliable means and identify how we show this virtue.
For Religious Education we had to create a digital learning object about ¨Reliable ¨ this is mine.
What is one way you can show the virtue Reliable ?
are you Reliable ?

Friday 5 June 2020

problem solving maths !

W.a.l.t : To problem solving using different way to figure out the answer
that is how i worked it out ⤴️
Once you get this way of working out you get the hang of it,
it is a good way to get a tidy number !!
what is a way that you like to solve you maths ?
do you like maths ?

w.a.l.t understand how to grow in virtues of god !
this is a work in progress ill be posting another blog of it being finished.

Thursday 4 June 2020

my ideal teacher what are the traits ?..

for reading we had to create a poster about my ideal teacher and what would be the traits i would want someone who is nice and caring committed and loves there students,i would want someone is funny and likes to joke a lot.
what would be your ideal teacher ?
what is some traits that you would want  ?
here is my poster i hope you like it !

what makes a good teacher read and find out..

for reading we had to create a poster telling ¨what makes a good teacher ¨ i am currently reading Matilda for my book at school if you have read or seen the movie then you all know that Miss Honey is a great teacher and role model to her students Miss Honey cares a lot about them she makes the learning fun and the students love to learn from her she is a great role model !
what do you think ?
what do you think makes a great teacher ?
Here is my poster i hope you like it.