Friday 20 December 2019

When i set foot on to the moon !

For the summer learning journey activity we had to write a poem about stepping on the moon and all your emotions and if you were Neil Armstrong so this is my poem enjoy.

I start to walk and to talk,
 then it feels like i am on a trampoline but really is this really me ?
It looks like i am on a block of cheese.
I feel like i have finally made it...
But again is this really me ?
A shiver goes down my back like a snake
yes it is really me !

Have you written a poem before ?
if so what about ?

Up in the air....

For this activity for the summer learning journey we had to compare the two pilots Jean Batten and
Amelia Earhart.
So i made a D L O and compare them i hope you like it.
Click on the photo to make it bigger.
Are you interested about pilots ?
why/why not ?

Thursday 19 December 2019

About the SPCA

For the summer learning journey my third task was to pick a charity of my choice and i have to explain and write about it so i chose the SPCA.
The SPCA helps animals that are sick,injured,abused or simply abandoned.
There have been 40k animals helped by SPCA centres.
There have been 2.5k schools given given access to our free SPCA education resources.
They have a website were you can donate,adopt or volunteer.
SPCA is a great charity because they save animals and make them have a better home and owner.
The website is were you can learn more about what they do.
What charity do you most know about ? explain some things about it.
Please check out my blog for more blog post like this.

My cultural background.

For the next activity on the summer learning journey we had to talk about our cultural background so i created a DLO all about my cultural background i hope you like it.
Do you have any English,Irish,Welsh or Nz in you and who from ?
Thanks for checking out my blog please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Setting sail SLJ week 1.

For week one of the summer learning journey my first activity it is about pacific nations sailing and about that they are there for weeks,I had to make a list about ten foods that i would pack if i were them so this is my ten foods i would bring.Keep in mind that there are no fridges or microwaves to use if i were sailing.
1. Muesli bars  because you do not need any plug things they are easy and healthy to eat and use which is good if you were away at sea.
2. Chips because they are yum and good to eat.
3. Dried mango because it is healthy and will give you a boost of nutrient intake.
4. Nut mix it is so good and awesome to eat on the go.
5. Biscuits cause they last a long time.
6. Crackers they keep you nice and full and will not be hungry later.
7. Canned fruit it  can last for ages and it is so good.
8. Chocolate it will give you a boost of energy.
9. Cruskits easy snack that you can have i would choose it because it is so yummy.
10. Uncooked Noodles i like that as a snack and it would just be good.
 I hope you enjoyed the list of things that i would like and why.
What would you choose and why ?
Make sure to check out the rest of my  blog for more blog post like this thank you for reading.

Thursday 12 December 2019

Stem on a Thursday.

W.A.L.T to problem solve as a team.
What : to Make a chair out of paper and tape that is 10cm tall.
The thing that went well was at the end our group worked as a team to try to make our paper chair work with the help of Miss Holland.
The thing that was challenging was trying to figure out how the chair was gonna work and what would be the best thing.
Ours sadly did not work but we were really proud at the chair we made.

Do you do stem?
Please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this !

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Donald trump and the Mexico wall.

For summer learning we had to talk about if you agree with Donald Trumps actions about the wall between Mexico and America this next bit will about what i think about it 

I do not like how Donald trump made the wall between Mexico and America that is just wrong.

Donald Trump is just thinking about himself,but people in mexico need better jobs to build a better life for their family and them.

People also need to visit family etc so they are stuck in Mexico.

I hope that one day he takes it down and Mexico has the freedom again.

I hope you enjoyed me talking about if i think it is wrong or right.

He has already built the wall

Do you agree and why ?

Do you like Donald Trump ?

Thursday 5 December 2019

Jane Goodall

For the summer learning journey i picked to write about Jane Goodall so i decided to make a DLO about her and what she does best i hope you enjoy.
Do you know Jane Goodall ?

Wednesday 4 December 2019


For the summer learning journey tester week we had to chose a activity to do I choose to do a DLO about Lorde the singer.