Friday 20 September 2019

How to make a award winning peanut butter sandwich

This week room 2 have been working on doing instructional writing,
we had to do instructions on how to make a sandwich either peanut butter,marmite or butter 
We had really fun doing and we had to make sure that the instructions are nice and clear.
After that Miss Holland would have to make them how the instructions say she made mine and mine worked these are my instructions on how to make a award winning sandwich :
How to make a sandwich 
Before you start you will need these following things :
Peanut Butter
Butter knife 
Also you will need to wash your hands before you start making your sandwich.

Step 1 
You want to carefully take two pieces of bread out of the packet and lay the two faces of bread laying next to each other 

Step 2 
Next you want to grab your butter knife and put the pointy bit into  the butter and the non pointy bit facing up 

Step 3 
As your pointy bit of your butter knife is facing down  next scoop a medium amount of butter 
Then take you knife out and 

Step 4 
Smear the butter onto a piece of  the face of the bread 

Step 5 
Open the peanut butter butter lid then put your knife pointy bit in the peanut butter then scoop and a medium amount of peanut butter out of the jar 

Step 6 
Smear peanut butter onto the face of a piece of bread

 Step 7
Put the two faces of bread that has the spreads  together 

Step 8

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Interland fun

Interland fun,
Today room 2 and 3 joined together to play Interland where you can choose 4 different islands and they each have different meanings  to keep safe online,the game that i played was this green castle [kind kingdom] game and if characters were getting bullied you had to help them and save them from the mean internet people.You had to collect hearts which when you had to collect them you had to find a character who was sad and help them by clicking the space bar and it would give them an emoji with a heart or a thumbs up etc.
The one thing that was challenging was trying to get up to levels to help the sad characters.
The purpose of the game that I was playing was to save other people who were getting bullied.
I really enjoyed playing the game and helping people on the game to save them,
comment in the comments what you think of the game !

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Fantastic emotions

W.A.L.T : To have manners in what we say 
This week room 2 had to make a DLO about manners and what is expected and to use what manner in a situation.Manners are for being respectful,we should be using manners in everyday life even just for the most simple thing even if someone opened a door and you saying ''thank you '' 
I think the one manner that i need to work on is being patient and waiting
I hope you enjoy my DLO :

Tuesday 10 September 2019

The story of Abraham and Sarah

Room 2 had to look at the story of Abraham and Sarah following Gods call,
Abraham and Sarah were both 75 years old they both really wanted kids but they were too old
God said to Abraham and Sarah ''leave to were i say and you will have kids ''
it was hard for Abraham and Sarah to leave all that they had in their town behind.
But they new that they wanted kids so they followed Gods call and set off.
After a while Abraham and Sarah were going to give up they thought that they were never going to get kids but then the angels came and said ''Abraham and Sarah you are going to have a baby boy''
so then they waited and waited until Abraham and Sarah were going to give up , but then God said to Abraham and Sarah ''look at the stars that is how much kids you are going to have ''
soon after they had kids.

This is my DLO
Thank you for taking your time and ready this
make sure to look at my blog and see what i get up too

My amazing narrative writing.

A narrative is a story that includes the five w's
room 2 have been working on narrative writing for the past 2 weeks we each got to
make our own story we all had really fun with making them ,
i hope you enjoyed my story make sure to check out the rest of my blog.

I was wriggling around in my bed because I could not sleep. I opened my eyes and whispered ‘’hello’ to my best friend Laura She gasped and awoke in shock
‘’what is wrong I said,
‘’don't worry, it's just a dream‘’said Laura   and dozed back to sleep.
The orphanage had something wrong with it and I also had this weird feeling so I took matters into my own hands. I walked downstairs with my long nighty and tip toed the headmistress was sitting at her long desk even when you are 50 meters away you can see her long warts poking out of her crusty Skin and her grey hairs sticking up with her pointy nose. ‘’Headmistress’’  I speak with a squeaky voice
  ‘’yes’’ she says with her manly voice in horror
‘’ugh ugh ugh I I I cannot sleep’‘ I said
She said ‘’ come sit ‘’ I quickly come ‘’well listen someone came in not that long ago and they were talking about who they wanted to adopt a nice couple and well they kinda want to adopt you but have a think about it ‘’
‘’well ok  I answered ‘’.

That night I could not sleep I was rolling around in bed I just could not think straight when I was only the age of 3 years old my birth mother left me at the doorstep with a locket   gently left on my tummy with a fresh blanket with the smell of rose petals  inside the locket there was a picture of my birth mothers hand   and my hand
On the locket it said ‘’Mummy and me ‘’ I hold it closely to me every night and wonder what it would be like having a mum and a dad maybe it would be a second chance to have a family to start again.
Earlier that morning, I walked down to the Headmistress office and took a  seat I waited patiently until she was ready to see me she came out  after about 15 minutes of waiting she took a seat on her leather black chair.
‘’So have you made your decision child’’ slapping her ruler against her hand it seemed to be like a threat, some days the Headmistress would be average nice  but then some days cruel and ferriel today i did not know what I was getting myself into today.
‘’I have made a decision to miss ‘’ I said with a nervously with a straight face
‘’’well what is it ‘’said Missmistress
 within a split second I answered, ‘’I want to get adopted ‘’
she looked at me and said ``ok then pack your stuff up child cause your going home ‘’  I  raced up stairs with nervousness  and packed my bags .
I straightened my hair and I walked down stairs tip tap tip tap my foot went while patiently waiting.

The door opened a nice couple came in and said hello the girls smile was a gentle smile she kneeled down to my level and said ‘’hello dear ‘’
Hhhh just a dream just a dream a tear rolled down my face really I was so excited to get adopted in my dream I walked back down stairs and then the door opened How did  the same girl from my dream here she was walking  just like my dream I could not believe my
eyes so I rubbed them and double pinched myself the headmistress came behind me and smiled.
I finally got adopted now that is my kind of dream
to be continued….

this is my narrative picture :