Friday 16 April 2021

Suzanne Aubert

Suzanne Aubert,
Suzanne was born in 1835 in Lyon,France.
Suzanne was legally allowed to New Zealand from Lyon,France and became a missionary for Bishop Pompallier Auckland Diocese,her parents did not give her permission to come to New Zealand she worked at a boarding school for Maori girls.After that Suzanne left Auckland to work at the Marist Maori mission station at Manee in Hawkes Bay in the third order of Mary.
In 1874 Suzanne was pinning her hopes for a revival of the Maori mission on the new Bishop of Wellington,Bishop Redwood who was to become her life long supporter.
On Christmas day 1885,Bishop redwood blessed St Jospephs church when it was burnt down three years later.Returning in 1893 with 1,000 pounds enouph to build a new church and convent.
In 1892 Archbishop redwood appointed Suzanne as mother superior of the newly established daughters of our lady of compassion.
Working in wellington,The sisters immediately started working in Wellington suffering and destitute planning a much needed home.
In 1907 the Ladys Home Of Compassion was opened,Suzanne never stood still her reputation spread far and wide and she rose to every challenge.
More than four years later pope Benedict xv granted the decree of praise to daughters of our Lady of compassion,the decree changed everything this is what it changed:

*it protected all the works she started 
*it winded her scope for health cave 
*it protected her  resolution that their would be everyone 
*it recognised her interpretation of New Zealand society and spiritually 

on the 1st of October 1926 at the age of 91,Suzanne passed away in the presence of her sisters.
When everyone found out that Suzanne passed everyone payed their respects by gathering in the streets in Wellington,Wellington was was packed with people everyone watched the hearse go past it was reported that it was the greatest funeral accorded to New Zealand.

She was buried at the Kaori cemetery.

Have you ever heard about Suzanne Aubert ?
Have you ever been to the home of Compassion church ?


Today for music me and Jennah came up with 4 or 8 animals to create a rhythm pattern with using claps,
we got the app voice recorder and recorded our claps and uploaded it on to our drive and then put it on our google slide template and added music notes.
Each animal is a different beat Horse=1 clap   chicken=2 claps caterpillar=4 claps 
Our rhythm/animal notes that we chose is : Horse,caterpillar,chicken,caterpillar,caterpillar,horse,horse,chicken.
If you had to make a beat what would yours be ?

Friday 9 April 2021

Capital E Wellington Camp

The year eights went to camp in Wellington for two days on the last day we went to Capital E.
Capital E is a place where people can go and film a video as a group and each person has a script or a different role so there were people filming and floor managing doing lighting with all real equipment.
We were each split into different rooms there were two rooms for filming. I was in room number 1 with Hunter,Mace,Corina,Reggie and Arnaika the next room was the other filming space with the other news reporters then there was two other rooms which was the clothes room for outfits and the sound,lights and music.
My role was the prime minister and also a candidate so that meant that i was going to be interviewed.

First off we all had to learn our scripts and different role  after we all learned our different role and learnt how to use the cameras and lights etc we all got changed into different outfits to do a practise run we all got dressed into our funky outfits that we created.We got ready for our first run through with the scripts and we did pretty good but we all thought that we could do better we then we took a break too eat some food to energise for our last run through.

Our last run through was great and it was really funny at the end of filming we got to see the final product of the video and they get uploaded to their website and YouTube the video is really funny.
We all thought that we did so much better than last time and we were all very proud of the video that we created we were all really clear with our reading and the cameras were way better than last time and we all were more focused in this run than the other video.And when we got back to school we all watched it as a class and the year sevens really enjoyed watching it same with our student teachers !.

 here is the link to watch the video:

Have you ever been to wellington ?
If so have you ever been to capital E ?

Please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this !

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Easter Sunday

 Today in R.E. I finished off my comic strip of Jesus rising from the dead. It was lots of fun and I used Pixton Comics. I loved trying something new. I recommend trying it sometime. I liked using Pixton because I could experience different characters. Once I finished I put it on a Google Slideshow, I hope you enjoy it. 

Summarise the story :

Jesus rose from the dead and no one knew until someone went to the tomb and rolled over the stone and saw that Jesus was not there and then Jesus appeared and went to go show the disciples that he rose from the dead.He showed them the holes in his hand to show that he really rose after that the disciples told the town that he rose.

What was the positives from this ? Jesus rose from the dead and the disciples got to see Jesus and saw that he actually rose from the dead.

what are the negatives of this story ? They were too afraid to tell people that Jesus has risen.

What other ways could the  disciples share the good news ? Got everyone together to announce it instead of telling everyone individually.

What are the main facts in this story / who,what,how,when etc ?

who? Jesus,Disciples,Mary.     what? Jesus rose from the dead.   when?Easter Sunday. 

What were the emotions you felt while reading this ? I felt good that Jesus rose and he got to see his disciples again.

why do you feel like this ? Because I think it is amazing how Jesus rose from the dead.

How would you feel if you were Mary or the disciples ? I would not know how to feel because one minute Jesus is dead and the next minute in the same room but if i were Mary I would feel good.

Have you ever made a DLO ?