Wednesday 22 May 2019

Public or Private information

W.A.L.T. Understand public and private information and identify them 

This morning we had to identify public and private information on a google drawing about  made up information  we had to highlight it and pick what we think is public information and what we think is private information green was for public and red was for private and orange for not sure after that we had to our own one about a make up person with a room 3 buddy.Mine was charlotte,We did information that was a mixture and that was good to put on the internet and that was also not good.
This is mine ;] 

can you identify public or private information 

Friday 17 May 2019

public vs private

On  Wednesday with mark we did a task about what information we can put online and what we cant.We had to do a google drawing about it and explain what information we can put online and what information we have to keep private.We had to explain in a nice way why it is important here is mine.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Persuasive writing (Chromebook)

Today with miss  Holland we talked about adverts and how they make you want to buy their product so she said we had to make our own poster about why she should buy a Chromebook so we did and we made it like we were selling it.
It was so much fun doing our own posters of why she should buy  Chromebook 
i really liked it ! 
this is mine 

Thursday 9 May 2019

The Holy Spirit

Today the class went in pairs and I went with Jennah, we were looking through the bible and we had to look at different scriptures  and we had to explain in the scriptures if the Holy spirit is  the  comforter, advocate or the spirit they could all be different answers.

A comforter is someone who is kind and caring to others when they are sad and they are showing their love.

A advocate is someone someone who supports someone.

The spirit is something that replaces the advocate and the comforter and does the job a bit better.


Wednesday 8 May 2019

cyber smart

Today we did cyber smart with mark.
we had to do this challenge where we had to find 6 bits of information about him we had to do.....
what does he looks like,who are his friends and family,where does he work, what is his work phone number,what is his home number,where does he live?,how old is he ? only we could find his first 3 bits of information because he never puts out his really personal information onto the internet. And  if you do want to put up some public information you can NOT put up any personal information such as like where you live your date of birth and your full name but you could put up your favourite food only your first name and maybe where you work.Make sure that you know what Private and Public information is. 
That is what we learnt at cyber smart with mark 

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Playing with powertoon

What i learnt about powertoon
it was basically like a little slide show / movie we could choose characters and fonts for my writing we could choose different  backgrounds and we could add different pictures and little videos.We could choose from a selection of what type of movie/slide show we wold want to make like we could choose to do like cartoon  based ect we could make like little text coming out of the characters  mouth using different types of speech bubbles,and we could make the text bigger and smaller and swap stuff around delete stuff and you can do voice overs make music go,
we can add in shapes , props , and add special themes
you can choose your speed on hour fast your video goes.

this is my powertoon hope you enjoy :]