Wednesday 26 May 2021

Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia

 This week for writing we have been learning about Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia.Max and I created a 

D L O explaining what each of them meant,we put the definitions and examples of what each of them meant.

Write in the comments an example of Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia in the comments.

Please check out the rest of my blog for more blog post like this.

Here is our D L O :

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Imagery, Rhyme and alliteration

W.A.L.T : Identify definitions and explain what it is.

Today for writing me and max had to create a D L O explaining what Imagery, Rhyme and alliteration are.We did the definitions and examples for what each ones are ! 

Have you ever created a D L O ? Write in the comments an example of Imagery, Rhyme and alliteration.

Here is the D L O :

Friday 21 May 2021

How to make a great blog post comment

 How to make a great blog post comment !

First you want to make a positive comment make sure that whoever blog your commenting on that the commenting is being uplifted by your comment.

Secondly you want to make sure it is helpful give something that the blog that your commenting on can work on next time they post so their next blog poster is even better.

next you want to make it thoughtful that means you are making a connection to the post.\

Show me in the comments a positive,helpful,thoughtful comment.


 Today I had to create a blog post explaining what a simile is and show a photo of what it is.

What is a simile you can come up with ?

What apps do you use to do D L O with ?

Here is my D L O :

Maui and the sun

 For Maori me and charlotte re created Maui and the sun.

First we went on stop motion and acted out the story of Maui and the sun !

Here is a link to the story on a slide show if you want a photo version : click here

Have you ever created a stop motion ?

Pentecost mind map

 Today we had to fill in the Pentecost template with different facts about it.

What are some facts you know about Pentecost?

Here is my D L O :

Personification D L O

 This week for our reading we have been learning about personification today we to create a D  L O  explaining what personification is we had to do the do examples of what personification is.

Here is my D L O :

Write in the comments an example of what personification is !

Tuesday 18 May 2021


This week we have been learning about Metaphors today we had to create a poster explaining what a Metaphor is.Here is my D L O .

Have you ever created a D L O  ?
If so what was it about ?

Friday 14 May 2021

Jesus ascends into heaven

 Today for R.E we had to create a comic showing how Jesus Ascending into heaven.

We created our comic on google drawing and used our photos from Flat Icon.

Here is our comic :

Have you ever created a comic ?

Wednesday 12 May 2021


 Today for cyber smart we are learning about private and personal information.

First we got into pairs and went filled in the google doc template that we had to complete it had each subjects had points and you could earn points if you have them on your blog.

i won out of me and charlotte because i had a recent photo.

Here is my D L O :

have you ever created a D L O ?