Monday 22 March 2021

Our surfing adventure to New Brighton Beach

W.A.L.T write to recount a memorable experience or moment.
Yesterday on Wednesday 17th of march the year 7&8s went to New Brighton beach to learn how to surf.
First we put our bags down and went to the beach to learn on how to check the waves to see if there are any rips or how high the waves are at the beach and the wind to see which way it is blowing.
After that we learnt how to stand up on our surf boards and how to carry them,we then we headed off to get changed into our wet suits and get our surf boards.
We took our surf boards down to the beach and practised a few more times and then hurried into the water with my friends.

My favourite part was when I nearly drowned from a wave that was massive !!
I also liked the part when Jackson M and me crashed into each other it was so funny I could not stop laughing .I felt good at the end for giving the challenge a go even when i was scared at first but then I ended up really enjoying it.

We got up to waist deep and I rode my fist wave and it went down hill from there ! 
Me and my good friend Arnika were going to catch a wave one minute she was next to me and the next minute she wasnt it really was the funniest thing ever she was rolling around under the wave.After that Arnika  went straight out of the water she was so mad because she kept on not catching waves,after that I tried to catch some more waves but I kept on falling off.Then we all went in and got dressed and headed to the park to eat our afternoon tea then my mum came down to see me by then the year 7s had got out of the water and gotten changed so we headed back down to school.

Have you ever surfed before ?
If so do you like it ?

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Watching the Orchestra video

 Today we watched the video about peter and the wolf in writing today I really enjoyed watching the video.

I felt that the clarinet was my favourite it was really exciting while watching the video it was exciting to see what was going to happen next.

The most coolest sound was flute which was the bird in the video that we watched.When I  watched the video I  found it really interesting the music was amazing ! The video was really great everyone was was focused and intrigued.

if i could play one instrument I  would play would play the trumpet because the sound is  funny and it looks like it would be easy to play and the drums because it looks like a fun instrument to play.

The story was different characters and each instrument was a character in the story.

Everybody liked listening to the music and learning about different instruments that were being played in the video,while watching the video I  felt happy listening to the music being played. 

If you could play one instrument what would it be ?

What is your favourite instrument ? 

Please check out the rest of my blog for more post like this !