Friday 17 September 2021

Infographic on orangutans

 This week for reading i had to create a info-graphic about orangutans and how humans have a positive impact on them.We had to find all the research and put it on a poster to create a infographic.

here is my info-graphic :

What do you know about orangutans ?


 This week for R.E Charlotte and I created a  DLO talking about the different people who showed beatitude and we added a symbol representing what they did.  This is my slideshow:

Who is someone that showed beatitude?

Thursday 16 September 2021

Music lesson task

 Today for music we had to learn the actions for a song.

After that Charlotte and I had to create a video showing the actions.

Do you know what song this is from ?

Friday 10 September 2021

The Children's War

 This week for reading I have been learning about the Children's War.

Today I had to create a poster to encourage New Zealand children during the first world war to support the war efforts.

What do you know about the Children's War ?

Are you convinced from my poster that i made ?

Have you ever used google drawing to create a poster ?

Here is my poster that I created :

Thursday 9 September 2021

Children's War

This week I have been learning about the Children's War .
Today I had to complete Thursday slides.
What do you know about the Children's War ?
What is one thing you learnt from reading this post ?