Friday 3 December 2021

Lisa Carrington

For the past week I had to create a D L O teaching others about a famous inspiring person i chose  Lisa Carrington.I had to make sure a list of things on my D L O like facts about her childhood and adulthood and about what she does.Before we had to create this slide show we had to complete work sheets about the time line of their life etc.

Have you ever created a DLO about a inspiring person ?

who inspires you ?

Here is my D L O of Lisa Carrington :


Lisa Carrington by Tallulah Barham

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Saint Francis

 This week we had to choose a saint and research the saint that we chose.After that we had to create a DLO about the saint we had to include the miracles that the saint did and about their childhood and adulthood and facts about them,I chose Saint Francis 

Here are 2 of the Choices  that St Francis of Assisi, 

St Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after hearing the voice of God. 

St Francis of Assisi saves a rabbit. 

One day a brother brought a rabbit who had been caught in a trap to St. Francis. The saint advised the rabbit to be more alert in the future, then released the rabbit from the trap and set it on the ground to go its way. But the rabbit hopped back up onto Saint Francis' lap, desiring to be close to the saint.

Saint Francis took the rabbit a few steps into the woods and set it down. But it followed Saint Francis back to his seat and hopped on his lap again! Finally Saint Francis asked one of his fellow friars to take the rabbit far into the woods and let it go.

Do you know anything about Saint Francis?

Have you ever made a D L O ?

Friday 17 September 2021

Infographic on orangutans

 This week for reading i had to create a info-graphic about orangutans and how humans have a positive impact on them.We had to find all the research and put it on a poster to create a infographic.

here is my info-graphic :

What do you know about orangutans ?


 This week for R.E Charlotte and I created a  DLO talking about the different people who showed beatitude and we added a symbol representing what they did.  This is my slideshow:

Who is someone that showed beatitude?

Thursday 16 September 2021

Music lesson task

 Today for music we had to learn the actions for a song.

After that Charlotte and I had to create a video showing the actions.

Do you know what song this is from ?

Friday 10 September 2021

The Children's War

 This week for reading I have been learning about the Children's War.

Today I had to create a poster to encourage New Zealand children during the first world war to support the war efforts.

What do you know about the Children's War ?

Are you convinced from my poster that i made ?

Have you ever used google drawing to create a poster ?

Here is my poster that I created :

Thursday 9 September 2021

Children's War

This week I have been learning about the Children's War .
Today I had to complete Thursday slides.
What do you know about the Children's War ?
What is one thing you learnt from reading this post ?